Social media marketing has evolved.
The role isn't a part-time gig anymore.

It's fast becoming a crucial part of digital marketing.


Open Your Fast Pass Today Plus All The Bonuses - For a Limited Time!
Grab Yours Below 👇

In a survey, social media managers can see a 12% growth through 2026.

This course is for the go-getter with an entrepreneurial mindset ready to build a social media manager practice, without the guesswork.

You are probably among the few who are wondering:
The truth is, 'social media manager' is one of the most
highly-sought positions in the US.

Companies either train in-house or outsource to have a person solely dedicated to maintaining their social media presence across all platforms.

Clearly, ‘social media manager‘ is one of the most popular jobs
everywhere in the world.

According to LinkedIn, the number of professionals with this title has doubled since 2013.

And here you are, wondering how you can transition to a career
in social media marketing.

Getting paid to be on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and other social media channels sounds like a dream come true.

I hate to break it to you, but the ‘social media manager’ role is a lot harder than it sounds.

That’s why you’ve got to make a plan. 

Gone are the days when anyone who uses social media ‘personally’ can automatically become a social media manager ‘professionally.’ 

I’ve been doing social media management for the last seven years, and I see two types of people seeking to get into the industry.

The type who believes that posting on Instagram about their lives makes them qualified social media managers. They also think that it only takes a few hours every week to work with clients.​

The type who understands that the social media manager role is not easy work, and a plan must be in place to become successful. They also know that making clients happy means flexible but long hours of work.

You, my friend, belong to the second type. That’s why you’re here.

The working hours expected from social media managers are similar to those in the advertising and marketing world. 30 to 40 hours, to be exact. But there are times when you need to beat deadlines or attend meetings during special holidays or events, that you’ll have to work for more than 40 hours a week.

I’ve trained over 1000 students on how to become social media managers through projects with government and private institutions, as well as non-profits. 

Although I have seen many of them succeed in this field, I still felt that I hadn’t taught them everything that they needed to be competitive in the industry.

The truth is, the great social media manager is one who:

Entrepreneurs, digital marketing agencies, and small businesses expect these roles from their social media managers to create a brand's marketing strategy and execute them on social media.

Does it sound like a big responsibility?

If you don't have a plan and a road map to make the business relationship work, yes.


Having a closer look at the social media marketing industry through a masterclass where I walk you through what most clients are looking for in a social media manager. Things I have never shared on my Facebook Lives and Instagram Stories. 

Do you ever see yourself...

Getting invited to an interview for every application that you send?

What if you can learn how...

To organize a calendar of social media posts for the next two months, ready for your future client to approve?

Picture this...

Graphic designs you can create for social media posts where you had clients’ customer avatars in mind, instead of relying on Canva’s templates, templates used by many social media managers worldwide.

Try to think about...

How easy it would be for you to have a list of content themes for your social media posts to save time and produce more.


Taking a sneak peek at my caption formulas for customer-centric, instead of sales-centered, captions. 


Social Media Manager Fast Pass

Social Media Manager Fast Pass is your quick guide to building your social media practice from home or anywhere you want, covering five areas of success:


Social Media Manager Fast Pass is my seven years’ worth building my social media practice from scratch.

Imagine not having to go through all the guesswork and hours of paid training that I had. I’ve laid out everything here for you.

Use Social Media Manager Fast Pass To:
Understand Social Media for Business Better
Get astounding facts like:

The secrets to impressing potential clients from resume to interview,
and finally, onboarding – will be revealed to you.


Streamline how to get your social media posts approved without the lengthy email threads or back and forth chats in Slack.


Toss out the guesswork and anxiety for making this business work for you. Think of this as your ultimate tool kit. 

After going through all the training inside Social Media Manager Fast Pass, you’ll have a more exciting and positive outlook for starting or improving your social media practice.

Why? You now have a flow from the application to interview to sealing that contract with a client!

Social Media Manager Fast Pass
is for you if you want:

Social Media Manager Fast Pass is perfect for anyone, with or without experience in online freelancing, who wants a surprising breakthrough in a 'social media manager' career.

You’re here because you want a simple process that will guide you to building your skills, finding the right clients, preparing for an interview, closing the contract, and making the money you want.

How does making money from $350 to $2,500 a month sound?


Here's what you'll get from Social
Media MANAGER Fast Pass

Social Media Manager Fast Pass is great for anyone who desires to shift their focus to social media marketing as a part-time or full-time position, such as:

Whether you plan on becoming a social media manager for a company as a full-time employee, or you plan on working for yourself managing multiple clients.

Whether you are a newbie who needs a ready process or a seasoned social media manager who needs a better method, Social Media Manager Fast Pass is for you. The digital course to help you become more organized without the stress!

In summary, here’s what you’ll get!

Beginner’s Fast Pass (Masterclass)$199
Winning Resume Fast Pass$49
Content Calendar Fast Pass$99
Content Themes Fast Pass$99
Caption Formula Fast Pass$49
One-on-One coaching$515
BONUS: 7 Interview FAQ’s$49
BONUS: SMM To-do List$49
BONUS: Pricing Guide$49
BONUS: Onboarding Templates$49
BONUS: Monthly Report Template$49
BONUS: Precy Tripoli’s VIP SMM Club$0


She's one of the best teacher/trainer that I have encountered. She never left her students, like she always makes sure that everyone in the class understand well the lessons. She even shared her personal strategies to us which is really advantage because all of those techniques are effective! She's also a good friend. 🙂
Niña Ibañez
This review is long overdue - but I still wish to thank Coach Precy for her time, effort, and patience with us. She taught us in-depth Social Media Marketing and Advertising last month, and I couldn’t wish for a better SMM trainer. Not only is she an expert in SMM, but she also genuinely cares for her students. I wish you all the best in life, Coach Precy. Keep up the excellent work, and I hope to see you again! 😊
Lachelle Marie Ravelo
Privileged to have four days intensive training with coach Precy. It was indeed super worth it. Learned a lot of new techniques on how to become an effective social media manager, from the basics to advance. Thank you so much coach.
Ericka Maquidato
Ericka Mae Maquidato
To be honest, I don’t like Social Media Marketing that much. Why? Because I feel like it’s a tough job to be an Online Marketer because you have to deal with a lot of people, and am truly not the “people-person” type. Besides, my first impression of Coach Precy is that I think she is “Masungit” and she looks somewhat intimidating and strict. 😱😱Truth be told, strict teachers frighten me, you know those classic terror teachers we have in grade school. 🤣

But, Coach Precy’s strictness isn’t a bad thing after all, I have learned a lot from the way she trained her students. 🙌🏼 I’ve noticed how she is such a detailed oriented person by the way she presents the topic, from the slides to discussing and asking the right questions. I was astonished as to how she presented the topic, from the very basic and fundamentals to the complex software how to’s. For me, it was a great learning experience with Coach Precy, she was indeed a true master in her field. Her expertise and professionalism is on a top notch level, her generosity in sharing her expert knowledge is so overwhelming that you can’t help but fall in love with in learning the topics that she is teaching. 😻❤️

Thank you Coach Precy, it was a fun learning Social Media marketing with you! It was truly one of my unforgettable online classes.🤗❤️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Paula Mae Belleza
Paula Mae Belleza
Beginner’s Fast Pass (Masterclass)$199
Winning Resume Fast Pass$49
Content Calendar Fast Pass$99
Content Themes Fast Pass$99
Caption Formula Fast Pass$49
One-on-One coaching$515
BONUS: 7 Interview FAQ’s$49
BONUS: SMM To-do List$49
BONUS: Pricing Guide$49
BONUS: Onboarding Templates$49
BONUS: Monthly Report Template$49
BONUS: Precy Tripoli’s VIP SMM Club$0